Saturday, April 20, 2019

Gelede Dancing Masks

The Gelede is simultaneously a cult, a secret society, and a mask. Each mask is oversized and represents a character which often has educational as well as entertainment function. For example, the pink, bare-breasted creature in the seventh photo is surrounded by small children on her table-like skirt. This is to portray lessons on family planning and the demands of child care.

We were told that the event had been scheduled to entertain the native population, but when the masks realized that we foreign visitors were in attendance, they took advantage of the new audience and turned their attention to us. Everyone seemed to have a good time.

1 comment:

  1. Enquanto muitos europeus brancos, visitam constantemente a África Negra, praticamente nunca vemos um afro-descendente por aquelas paragens. Interessante, não é mesmo.
