Wednesday, February 28, 2018

ESCO Foundry

ESCO (originally Electric Steel Foundry Company at its founding in 1913) is a "manufacturer of engineered metal wearparts and components for industrial applications - including mining and construction." It has been one of Portland's largest and most admired companies for many years, with its foundry operation in Slabtown, near the site of the former site of the Portland Baseball Club's park at NW 14th and Vaughn. ESCO has now closed its operations at the site, and is clearing it for reuse or sale in the developing Slabtown neighborhood. Here are some photos of the site as it now stands.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Barbed Wire

Many of the blocks in the north end of Slabtown are rather desolate warehouses, factories, or parking lots, or are simply empty. They are guarded by fencing topped by barbed wire or razor wire. The effect is menacing and rather dramatic, which I've tried to portray in photographs today and the next two days.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Somber Scenes Under the Highways

I end this collection of photos from underneath US 405 and US 30 in Portland with a group that reflect the somewhat somber, guarded, and hard-working aspects of this part of Slabtown.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Overhead Highways with Parked Cars Below

The territory in Slabtown below highways US 405 and US 30 is not used much for retail commerce or housing. But it's a handy place to park cars in perennially short-of-parking Portland.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Overhead Highways with Barbed Wire

No, the highways aren't lined with barbed wire; but down at ground level some empty lots are fenced off, and the highways above provide a suitably austere background.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Overhead Highways with Ivy

Ivy is an invasive species in the forests around Portland, and it has worked its way into Slabtown. Some of these pictures have a "deserted infrastructure after the end of civilization" vibe, but it's really not that bad.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Overhead Highways with Trees in Slabtown (3)

In the midst of these colossal practical sculptures, the trees remind us that Portland is on the edge of a forest, about half a mile to the west.