Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Orlando WORLD

We've returned to the USA from Colombia, and are now at the WORLD Symposium in Orlando, Florida. WORLD stands for "We're organizing research on lysosomal diseases". My wife is a speaker and organizer of the meeting. I'm here as an onlooker with the assignment of photographing the award presentations at the banquet on Thursday.

According to the symposium website,:
"The goal of the 11th Annual WORLD Symposium™ is to provide an interdisciplinary forum to explore and discuss specific areas of interest, research and clinical applicability related to lysosomal diseases. This symposium is designed to help researchers and clinicians to better manage and understand diagnostic options for patients with storage diseases, identify areas requiring additional basic and clinical research, public policy and regulatory attention, and identify the latest findings in the natural history of lysosomal diseases."

A poster display of portraits of lysosomal disease patients, in the lobby outside the meeting rooms, dramatizes the personal side of the research being reported here.

In wandering the halls of the hotel where the meeting is held, I was struck by the luxuriousness and scale of the surroundings, which contrast with the generally drab and crowded labs and clinics where the research and testing are actually done.

Where much of the intellectual exchange takes place: over refreshments in the poster session exhibition hall.

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