Friday, February 6, 2015


We started our bus ride from Medellin to the small historic town of Guatapé by stopping at an overlook where two statues of "sewer boys" (one shown here) gestured to the city shrouded in fog.

Guatapé is famous for its "zocalos", elaborate colored bas-reliefs that adorn the lower sections of many houses and shops.

Near Guatapé is a sizeable reservoir with many islands, formed when a previous town was flooded and the inhabitants moved to new land. On one of the islands is a large complex of buildings built by the drug lord Pablo Escobar. The buildings were bombed by his enemies, but remain as a historical memento. We passed nearby in a pontoon boat.

A giant monolith, more than 200 meters high and climbable with about 700 steps (which we climbed) yielded this view of the reservoir and islands from the top.

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