Sunday, December 22, 2024

Taking a Break

In the past couple of months I've been traveling a lot, taking a lot of pictures, and feeling unenthusiastic about most of the results. So I'll continue to travel, mainly in Asia, but won't post more pictures until I regain enthusiasm. Hopefully that will happen in the not too distant future. See you then!

Regards, Victor Bloomfield

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Jaguar on the Road in Bandhavgarh Tiger Park

These jaguars look and behave like normal dogs, except they aren't affectionate to humans. (Nor are they hostile.) But they're fun to watch. 

Friday, November 22, 2024

Lndscape inside and out Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge

Approaching the Tiger Park

Our Tour Leader, Indrajit, waiting to meet the group outside the lodge at our first tiger reserve, Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge in Jabalpur, India.

An interesting bookcase in the living room of the lodge.

Cattle roaming freely, ourside of fencing, was a constant feature of the environment.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Several Months of Travel

 My wife and I have just returned from several months of travel. Fom our home in Oregon, we flew to Amsterdam, proceeding to Luxembourg, Paris, Brittany, Algiers, Northern Spain, Mumbai, and Central India tiger reserves. A mixed bag to be sure, but all good. I've accumulated thousands of photos, some small fraction of which are worth showing. I'll start with the tiger reserves, because they are still most vivid in my mind, and will work backward over the next few months. 

We flew from Madrid to Mumbai, then to Delhi, where we were driven east to Jabalpur and Banlhavgarh National Park, the first of a collection of four tiger reserves we visited with about ten other participants over two weeks. 

Here are a few scenes that struck my eye on the drive, that seem typical of India's color, chaos, and natural beauty.