Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bhutan Prayer Flags

Our exploration of Bhutan is over. We're in Amsterdam for a day, and will fly back home to Portland. In thinking about how to conclude this series of photos of life in Bhutan, I decided that prayer flags exemplify some significant part of the spirituality, color, beauty, and surprise of this lovely country. Here are three photos, which I haven't yet used, that serve as good examples.

1 comment:

  1. THANKS U , The Bhutanese prayer flags have been a part of the Bhutanese culture since many centuries. They are a crucial part of the people’s traditions here. The flags in Bhutan symbolize long life, prosperity, happiness and luck to all individuals. There is a belief in Bhutan according to which when an individual dies, the advantages of offering prayer flags are said to guide to soul of the dead away and prevent it from having a rebirth in the 3 lower realms namely; Nge Song Sum, animals, pret and life in hell) of the six life cycles: Lha (god), Lha Min (demi God), humans, animals, pret, and life in hell. There are normally three kinds of printed prayer flags: Lungdhar or Chudhar, Lhadhar and Mani or Baza Guru dhar which are engraved with positive signs, invocations and prayers.
